Windy, Rainy, Cold Photos

2 thoughts on “Windy, Rainy, Cold Photos

  1. I’m one of the six women who met you on the plane to Paris and then at the luggage carousel. So sorry you had a lousy day at Mont St. Michel. We were there yesterday and all made it to the top and back down, but I don’t think my knees will ever be the same again. We also took two bus tours of Paris and went to Dinan. Loved St. Malo. And we also have been taking photos of our fabulous food. We had two meals at the homes of our group leader’s friends in Paris. Today we took the bullet train back to Paris from St. Malo, and Thursday we will fly back to our respective homes in Buena Vista, Colorado, and Riverside, California. All the best to you as you continue your wanderings.

  2. Sounds like you have had a wonderful time in France. Thank goodness I had been to Mont St. Michael when I was younger and went to the very top too. We are now in Chinon, France and today we went to see a fortress. It started raining while we were there and continues. We walked around in the rain to see the sights of Chinon. The fabulous meals continue. We have 20 more days and are heading south soon.

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