The Challenges of Writing A Blog

This is my last post for this trip. As you read my blog it starts with the last post and goes backwards. I was extremely frustrated on this trip trying to write my blog. First of all, I did not have my correct password. How could I not have the correct password? I have no idea except I have three pages of passwords that I have to keep track of. Then you have to pay $55.00 for 100 minutes of Wi-Fi aboard ship. I was unable to get my correct password so I started writing my blog by hand hoping that I would be able to post. My little computer was so slow that I spent most of my Wi-Fi time watching the cursor spin. I went to the ships computers but unless I had my correct password it didn’t do any good.
So, when I got home I found my correct password and decided to write my blog after the fact. Then I had problems loading my pictures onto my computer at home because I loaded them on my little computer. I finally worked that out. Then getting the pictures from my cell phone to my computer was another challenge. It isn’t easy for me to do all this computer stuff but I love doing it.

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