More Dignitaries

Just as I stepped outside the hotel for a breath of fresh air, I was almost body slammed by a bunch of security guys hustling a dignitary to his waiting vehicle.  Cop cars fore and aft with security cars right behind.  A TV crew was filming the whole thing, so once again I’m going to be on Albanian news.  I asked the TV crew who it was.  They said he was a Greek government minister.  I didn’t get his title.  There must be more dignitaries still inside because the TV crew and other security guys are loitering around.  The excitement never ends.


It took 6 hours to get here, through every little town, over snow covered mountains, dodging horse carts, bicyclists, pedestrians and aggressive drivers.  From Albania, through Montenegro and Bosnia Herzegovina to this absolutely beautiful place on the Adriatic.  It was worth the drive and the long waits at all the border checkpoints – one leaving and one entering each country.