The Art of Towel Folding

Each night as we returned from dinner or a performance we would find little towel critters awaiting our return. Here are a few examples of the art of folding towels.2015-12-15 16.03.26

2015-12-17 17.09.31

2015-12-18 19.04.18

2015-12-19 18.28.10

2015-12-20 18.16.08

2015-12-21 18.16.22

2015-12-22 17.59.32

2015-12-23 16.55.15

2015-12-24 16.45.28

2015-12-25 17.06.41

2015-12-26 16.36.26

2015-12-27 16.58.43

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